About Us

You have found one of the friendliest and most historically significant communities of faith in Rockland County. The First Reformed Church is the oldest congregation in the Village of Nyack.
Vision (What we hope)
Our vision is
to share the warmth of Christian hospitality,
the peace of God’s love,
and the goodness of God’s Word.
Mission (What we do)
Our mission is
to connect with God,
to grow in Christ,
and to serve others.
We believe:
...in God's generous grace and overwhelming love.
...the way and teachings of Jesus serves as the primary guide for our spiritual journey.
...the Holy Bible is the collection of books, letters, poems, wisdom, and texts which tell the stories of the relationship between God and God’s people, as well as the Jesus narrative.
...in two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion. We baptize infants, children, and adult new members who desire to be more connected with the life of the church. We celebrate open communion. All who desire to more intentionally connected with the church community are welcome in the celebration of Communion.
...serving others and loving our neighbor is a constitutive part of our spiritual lives.
We are a member of the Reformed Church in America. For more information, click here.
Vision (What we hope)
Our vision is
to share the warmth of Christian hospitality,
the peace of God’s love,
and the goodness of God’s Word.
Mission (What we do)
Our mission is
to connect with God,
to grow in Christ,
and to serve others.
We believe:
...in God's generous grace and overwhelming love.
...the way and teachings of Jesus serves as the primary guide for our spiritual journey.
...the Holy Bible is the collection of books, letters, poems, wisdom, and texts which tell the stories of the relationship between God and God’s people, as well as the Jesus narrative.
...in two Sacraments: Baptism and Communion. We baptize infants, children, and adult new members who desire to be more connected with the life of the church. We celebrate open communion. All who desire to more intentionally connected with the church community are welcome in the celebration of Communion.
...serving others and loving our neighbor is a constitutive part of our spiritual lives.
We are a member of the Reformed Church in America. For more information, click here.